The yhat blog lists 10 R packages they wish they'd known about earlier. Drew Conway calls them "10 reasons to always start your analysis in R". They're all very useful R packages that every data scientist should be aware of. They are:
yhat blog: 10 R packages I wish I knew about earlier
- sqldf (for selecting from data frames using SQL)
- forecast (for easy forecasting of time series)
- plyr (data aggregation)
- stringr (string manipulation)
- Database connection packages RPostgreSQL, RMYSQL, RMongo, RODBC, RSQLite
- lubridate (time and date manipulation)
- ggplot2 (data visulization)
- qcc (statistical quality control and QC charts)
- reshape2 (data restructuring)
- randomForest (random forest predictive models)
yhat blog: 10 R packages I wish I knew about earlier
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