NETTAB 2013 workshop focused on Semantic, Social, and Mobile Applications for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Laboratories
NETTAB 2013 Call for Papers
Workshops include focused sessions devoted to tools and systems, applications and perspectives. Keynote lectures introduce the sessions' topics, and are followed by presentations selected from among the submitted contributions. Discussion is a key factor, both within sessions and in a special Panel Discussion. Tutorials and poster sessions complete the agenda of the NETTAB workshops.
Workshops include focused sessions devoted to tools and systems, applications and perspectives. Keynote lectures introduce the sessions' topics, and are followed by presentations selected from among the submitted contributions. Discussion is a key factor, both within sessions and in a special Panel Discussion. Tutorials and poster sessions complete the agenda of the NETTAB workshops.
NETTAB 2013 is the thirteenth in a series of international workshops on Network Tools and Applications in Biology. NETTAB workshops are aimed at presenting and discussing emerging ICT technologies whose adoption in support of biology could be of particular interest.
Since 2001, many different topics were discussed:
Since 2001, many different topics were discussed:
Human beings are social animals and ICT have recently permeated human society of newer forms and ways of participation in social activities. In the Internet, the hype has shifted from Web2.0 to Social Media; in science too, this development is evident. Beside facilitating communication and making easier the sharing of information, social platforms and technologies are enhancing learning, problem solving and crowdsourcing. In biology, and especially in the "-omic" disciplines, we already rely on a wide diffusion of social tools and applications, e.g for distributed annotations, Wiki knowledge bases, documentation and productivity.
On the other hand, access to the Internet is nowadays increasingly happening through mobile devices. Mobile Internet access is expected to soon overtake access from standard PCs and workstations. Moreover, mobile phones are expected to become the main personal computing devices. Smartphones and tablets represent the most practical computing devices in biomedical laboratories and they actually are the ideal companions for always on the move scientists. While we can observe a widespread diffusion of health and lifestyle mobile applications and a rapid adoption of mobile solutions in medicine and healthcare we cannot say the same for life sciences and bioinformatics.
Semantic methodologies and technologies are instead well established in "-omic" projects. It can even be proudly observed that the bioinformatics community was an early adopter of Semantic Web technologies.
In the NETTAB 2013 workshop, mobile and/or social and/or semantic solutions for bioinformatics and laboratory informatics problems will be explored. It is our opinion that a savvy combination of these three technologies could greatly enhance the research outcome of life scientists and markedly simplify the workflows in biomedical laboratories.
NETTAB 2013 will be focused on "Semantic, Social, and Mobile Applications for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Laboratories", which includes all aspects that relate to technologies, methods, architectures, systems and applications for ...
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