Home Unlabelled EU-US Training 2013: Application Unknown 12:19 AM A+ A- EU-US Training 2013: Application Tweet Share Share Share Share Share EU-US Training 2013: Application(click here for filling the form)Submitted by sandra on Tue, 2012-12-04 15:30 Application will be closed on March 8, 2013Workshop Attendee InformationTitle * BSc MSc PhD student PhD Professor/lecturer First name * Last name * Gender * female male University/Institute/Company * Department * Street * Postal code * City * Country * Phone Mobile Fax Email * Financial support needed (multiple choice is possible) * for travel for accomodation not needed Your experiencesI have experience with (multiple choices are possible) * sequence analysis (e.g. BLAST) DNA/RNA analysis (e.g. 16S) amino acid analysis (e.g. functional genes) prokaryotic genomics eukaryotic genomics web-based systems (e.g. NCBI, EBI, Interpro) locally installed sytems (e.g. Hmmer, QIIME, ARB) command line (e.g. bash, scripting, Perl) relational database systems (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL) I have not touched bioinformatics previously AbstractPlease, provide an abstract briefly describing your project or research topic, and the intended application of bioinformatics in your work. State when this project started or will begin. 200 words maximum. Abstract * DisseminationIn case you are selected you are requested to communicate the knowledge gained in the course at your institute/in your group. Please explain in a few sentences how you plan to do this.Dissemination * Curriculum VitaePlease upload your CV (short form, PDF only, max 1 Mb).CV *
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