Modesto Orozco, IRB Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) and Charles A. Laughton, Nottingham University (Nottingham, UK)
Barcelona, Spain. 4-6 November, 2013
Recent algorithm improvements and the development of new computer platforms (supercomputers, GPUs, specific purpose computers) is leading to a revolution in the field of molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules. The field evolves extremely fast, millisecond scale simulations are possible, the dynamics of supramacromolecular systems containing millions of atoms is determined and projects exist to transform structural databases into dynamical databases. Clearly, molecular dynamics is moving structural biology to a different scenario.
The BioMed conference will be a forum to meet many of the most distinguished scientists in the field. We will not only learn on recent state of the art simulations, or on the latest theoretical or algorithmic improvements, but we will also discuss on the integration of molecular dynamics with experimentation, and on the challenge that the technique will face in a close future dominated by the omics research.
Registration deadline: September 15, 2013
There is no registration fee for this conference, but the number of participants is limited.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts, a number of which will be selected for short talk and poster presentations. Abstracts should include a title, authors, affiliations, summary (max 250 words) and references.
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