Webinar for science teachers, about bioinformatics in the classroom, to take place Tuesday 14 May 2013 from 19:30 to 20:30 CEST
Expert: Marina Marcet-Houben, post doctoral researcher at the CRG Comparative Genomics group of the Bioinformatics Program, Barcelona.
With the increasing amount of biological data available nowadays bioinformatics has become a fundamental part of many areas of research and is fast becoming an area of great interest in the classroom.
Marina will present a brief introduction to bioinformatics and some of the most common tools and databases used by bioinformatic experts that are freely available can easily be used in a classroom setting.
She will finish showing a practical example in which the participants will use bioinformatics to resolve the mysterious death of a traveller….” The only object that was found on the scene of the death was a bottle with the remains of a drink in which four proteins were identified. The application of bioinformatic tools will allow us to characterise the substances found in the drink and therefore lead us to the likely cause of death. This practical example will provide the comprehensive use and interpretation of Blast, one of the most used tools by scientists all over the world."
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